Star Crusader Preview Quick Start Put the Star Crusader Preview disk into your CD-ROM drive. Type D: (or whatever drive letter your CD-ROM drive is) Type install The install program will now install a few files to your hard drive. Follow the instructions that come up on the screen. When the install exits the Setup program will start. The setup program will need your help to configure Star Crusader to run with your system. The up and down arrows move through the menu and the spacebar selects. The Enter key will save and exit, the Esc key will exit without saving. If you need help just use the F1 key. To start Star Crusader type nsp from the Star Crusader directory. The Game The game starts at the Main Hall. Left click on the red jewel at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the Mission Briefing room. Here you see the mission briefing screen and the mission tactical map. You can scroll through the mission using the up and down arrows. You can also click on a ship on the tactical map to get a ship description. Just left click to get back to the tactical map. If you click on the door on the right side of the screen it will take you to the computer room. This is where you configure your squadron. The three buttons on the right side of the computer screen will let you set up your squadron. If you are flying a solo mission go to the Combat Resources menu and choose a ship that you want to fly. If you are leading a fighter wing you will need to pick other pilots to fly with you. When finished you can assign pilots to the ships you chose. If you move the cursor to the right of the screen you can go fly the mission. There will be a cinematic take off scene here. For now you will just go into flight. The first thing you should know is the "P" key pauses the game. When you complete your mission use the "J" key to hyperjump back to base. You must be stationary to activate the Singularity Field Generator. Cockpit Controls Thrust(keyboard controls) 0 - no power - decrease power by one 1 - 1/3 power = increase power by one 2 - 2/3 power #2 joystick button while depressed up/back - thrust 3 - full power 4 - match target speed Combat Controls W - toggles through weapons L - targets ship in cross-hairs T - toggles through targets fires active weapon Alt T - previous target #1 joystick button fires active weapon A - toggles through allies #2 joystick button while depressed left/right - roll Alt A - previous ally Cockpit Systems alt + 1 - toggles left monitor on/off shift + 1 - changes function of left monitor alt + 2 - toggles center monitor on/off shift + 2 - changes function of center monitor alt + 3 - toggles right monitor on/off shift + 3 - changes function of right monitor Monitor functions (type shift + monitor number, then the function number you want the monitor to be) 1 - radar 5 - target's shields 2 - trackcam 6 - ship's damage 3 - targeting sight 7 - target's damage 4 - ship's shields Navigational Controls N - brings up the navigational controls Type number of navigational function or use mouse. Views Options F1 - main cockpit view F10 - toggle gouraud shading F2 - front view (no cockpit) F11 - toggle texmaps F3 - rear view F12 - toggle lightsource shading F4 - external view from ship to target , - decreases zoom level F5 - external view from target to ship . - increases zoom level F6 - side view (not implemented) F7 - torpedo camera F8 - external view over ship Special Keys Esc - game options menu Alt E - eject P - pauses game R - tractor beam TAB - toggles invulnerable mode (testing only) Alt Q - quit to DOS Ctrl R - resupplies ship (testing only) J- hyperjump back to base (from stationary position) Mission Overview Mission 1 -- Destroy Arms Shipment These freighters don't have any weapons so they can't fire back, however they won't sit still for you either. You have to destroy them before they reach their jump point. Use the keyboard key "4" to match the targets speed. Mission 2 -- Destroy Enemy Fighters This are fighters and they will fight back. Choose your shots wisely when using the Hydrogen Plasma cannon. The closer to the enemy you are the more damage the plasma ball will inflict. Try using the vector cannon to knock the enemy off course. Avoid the asteroids, if you hit them they will damage your ship. Mission 3 -- Destroy Space Dock In this mission concentrate on the space dock. Avoid the enemy fighters and go after the target. This is the first mission you will have a wingman, be sure to take a good one. Mission 4 -- Destroy Enemy Patrol Ships This mission takes place inside a nebula. The nebula creates havoc on the electrical systems in you ship. Since you can't rely completely on your targeting, make visual contact with your target and try to keep track of where it is at all times. Weapon ranges are also cut in half so you will have to move in close to engage the targets. Mission 5 -- Ambush Strike Force There are several enemy ships in this mission so there will be lots of combat. Success in this mission depends largely on your power management. Call up the navigational systems with the "N" key then choose power management. You will have to be sure you have your weapons and shields recharging even if you have to sacrifice some top speed.